
  • Fun with FUD
    Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. It is both a tool people use to get what they want, or its your inner critic yelling at you to not do the thing that you should do. FUD is insidious and is all around us
  • Jan 3rd Update – Happy New Year
    What I can do is write a stream of consciousness like this blog article. Admittedly this may not be interesting to you, but it exercises the fingers, and putting something on the WebShopToolbox is better than wasting my time somewhere else
  • MaxBlog WordPress Theme
    Nothing ever seems to go your way when working on a new site. Things look ugly and when something doesn’t work, how can you expect to keep up appearances that your pretentious self keeps pointing too?
  • Building something from nothing
    …these changes will help me find the time to keep this site up to date. Even if it’s just a picture or something. The blog will continue to live and breathe.