Jan 3rd Update – Happy New Year

Jan 3rd 2022 - Update and Happy New Year

Winter break came and went. I had a bug for the entire duration. While there is always the concern that it was going to blow up into some horrible disease, it just remained a tickle in my throat, and I was a little grumpy and tired.

Unfortunately that seems to be a pattern for me at this time of year. I usually tend to have a bug that drags me down a notch. So I can still function day to day, but I’d rather crawl into a hole and binge Netflix Documentaries. Like Fatastic Fungi.

So this morning I woke up bright and early like a regular work day, fortunately this is my last day of holidays and I can use this time to do work on WebShopToolbox. I was good, I didn’t sit at my desk and watch YouTube. I checked my messages. Updated sites, and did some maintenance on my accounts. Work stuff, which needed to be done, and a good activity during my first tea of the day.

I try to look at the article I’m working on, a Guide to setup your own Web Shop, but I don’t do anything. I did some minor edit, and my brain shifted focus to something else. My inner procrastinator is a magician. You can be focused on the task at hand and before eyes it magically becomes something else that is a tiny bit more interesting that working on a document. Ala Peanut Butter Sandwiches… poof I’m reading 100 ways to slightly improve your life without really trying

What I can do is write a stream of consciousness like this blog article. Admittedly this may not be interesting to you, but it exercises the fingers, and putting something on the WebShopToolbox is better than wasting my time somewhere else.

WIP Articles

So about WIP Articles, they are Work In Progress articles. For the same reasons I can write blog articles like this one, I need to use tricks to keep me accountable and focused on producing articles to help you build your Web Shop. So rather than wait until I have an article finished and polished, I publish articles after the first rough draft, and I make sure I label them appropriately.

This has a couple of effects. One is it makes it real, I am bothered that I have an unfinished WIP work out in the public web space with my name on it. I am motivated to fix it. Also I’m hoping as this site gets some traction that people might make some suggestions towards what they would like more information about. I’m trying to be as transparent as possible, because otherwise I’ll run and hide, and not do any work.

Speaking of which I should get back to work.

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